Tyler Wagner helps authors maximize their impact. If an author succeeds, the world succeeds. Sharing knowledge with the world is the ultimate gift an author can deliver, and Wagner is determined to help authors succeed
Sitting in his Miami home, bestselling author and founder of Authors Unite, Tyler Wagner, speaks passionately about his genuine interest in people. He gets excited before any interaction with a person, and his excitement just to do the interview is tangible. He believes that transactional relationships are not fulfilling, so he savors the opportunity to get to know people in individual settings. He speaks quickly, but succinctly, sharing his drive and authentic need to help authors change the world.
His company, Authors Unite assists writers pen and market their books with a bigger picture in mind. Ultimately, he wants his writers to leave an imprint in the world, to be recognised for what they do, and to contribute to the wellbeing and success of their readers. It is this sentiment that fuels his determination to help his clients from start to finish.
Looking through his website, a number of clients recommend his business as highly effective and would not suggest anyone else for the job. His company’s mantra, reflecting his desire to help others succeed is, “We believe by helping authors succeed, we help the world succeed.” This statement rings true for many of his clients who are now bestsellers for the Wall Street Journal, as well as USA Today. Some of these clients include Steve Anderson, Dr. Angela E. Lauria, David Hancock, and Carlie Maree.
His clients not only have impressive accolades, but they have also sold thousands of copies of their books. Bestselling author, Jason Treu states, “Whether it’s a high-level executive or someone just starting out, I would send them to Wagner because I know through his processes and systems, you’re going to get results.”
Inspired By Tim Ferris
Wagner was enrolled at the University of South Carolina to study accounting and follow in the footsteps of his father. He was miserable. Accounting just wasn’t for this people-focused person, and he longed to be an entrepreneur and run his own business. After stumbling across the book, The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris, Wagner’s life took a turn for the better. The book opened his mind to a different perspective on entrepreneurship and he took the risk to drop out of college and pursue his dreams. “The risks that we think are risky are normally not as risky as they seem to be,” relates Wagner. The series of events that followed paved the way for his success.
Inspired by the book, Wagner then saw that Ferris was a keynote speaker at an event called MastermindTalks. Desperate to attend, but unable to afford the costly ticket price, Wagner contacted the organizer, Jayson Gaignard, and asked if he would allow a young, budding entrepreneur to attend for free. Gaignard responded, and over Skype, they came to an agreement that Wagner would assist with organizing sponsors for the conference and receive his entry as payment. He then spent six months in Canada under the mentorship of Gaignard. This started a chain of opportunities for Wagner, who went on to assist several conference organizers to get sponsorship for their events in lieu of ticket costs.
With the knowledge he acquired from Gaignard and assisting other conference organizers, Wagner wrote and published his book, Conference Crushing, which went on to be an Amazon bestseller.
From college dropout to bestselling author, Wagner had found his groove and started his journey of helping other authors create the success he did with their books. Becoming an author changed his life and he wanted the same for others.
Authors Unite At Your Service
Wagner started Authors Unite to help people write, publish and market their books. He explains that helping others from start to finish is a core fundamental of his business’s identity. He helps clients bring their book ideas to life, offers ghostwriting if needed, and, hand-in-hand, guides them to market their published book to bestseller success. Helping his clients become profitable authors whilst maximizing their impact is the core focus of his company.
Offering services using large email list campaign databases, Facebook advertisements, as well as Kindle and Nook strategies, Wagner’s secret weapon is partnering with large data businesses to open the world for authors. His company has branched out into many genres such as non-fiction, business, memoir, and self-help books and has even tapped into children’s books, so is able to assist a wide range of authors.
He also hosts his own podcast, The Tyler Wagner Show, which falls in line with his long-term focus – meeting new people and learning from them. This avid book consumer, who can take five-hour walks just to listen to his favorite audiobooks, now interviews other authors who are experts in their fields as well as helping individual authors.
Hosting the podcast has enabled him to interview over 1,300 authors and this creates a platform to enhance awareness and impact for the authors’ books. Wagner adds, “If I focus on authors that are experts in their topics, and focus on helping them succeed, it will then have a trickle-down effect. The readers of their books, if they take action on what they read, will then also succeed.”
Reverse Engineer Your Lifestyle
Wagner has now created enough worth for himself that he is able to let Authors Unite carry on while he invests in other activities to design his life going forward. He asserts that it is important to have a passive income that helps you work by choice and focus on what you love to do. His business now runs on its own and he has been investing in real estate and cryptocurrency to create other streams of income for himself.
Essentially Wagner, who now has an extremely flexible schedule, advises that to reverse engineer your lifestyle, a passive income will help you work in what you choose to work in and not in a career that you are tied to. “Try to have your passive income cover your expenses or extend further. That’s the next exciting thing to dive into and learn,” he says. While this may sound terrifying, he is adamant that you should move towards something that scares you.
This entrepreneur is a must-have connection for all authors. Christopher Kai, another bestselling author expresses how grateful he is to Wagner and his help to drive his book, Big Game Hunting: Networking with Billionaires, Executives, and Celebrities. He says that he could never have succeeded without Wagner’s help. He adds, “If you’re looking for a team that can help you write, publish, and market your book, Authors Unite is it.”
The magic is that one book can change the lives of many people. By helping authors thrive, Wagner helps the world to thrive.
To keep up with him and the authors he is helping, you can follow him on Instagram.
Media Contact:
Clive Vanderwagen, Writer