The founder of Telegram has announced plans to support TON-based non-fungible token (NFT) gifts later this year. This new feature will allow users to convert limited-edition animated gifts into NFTs on the TON blockchain. These tokenized gifts can be displayed on user profiles or traded for…
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What Is the Fantom Crypto Sonic Upgrade?
This piece is a guest post by Blocmates. Blocmates is an invaluable crypto news and educational resource that…
Latam Insights: Bukele Offers Bitcoin Advice to Argentina, Uruguay Passes Crypto…
Welcome to Latam Insights, a compendium of Latin America’s most relevant crypto and economic news from the past…
IMF Urges El Salvador to Tighten Bitcoin Law and Strengthen Oversight
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has advised El Salvador to narrow the scope of its bitcoin law, strengthen…
Crypto Fraud Ring Dismantled by Vietnamese Authorities
Vietnamese authorities have reportedly dismantled a cross-border fraud ring involved in romance scams and…
Spellborne’s Side Quests Take Center Stage
Having completed the main quests of Season 1, Regina returns to the captivating world of Spellborne to tackle the…
Crypto Ponzi Leader Receives 121-Month Prison Sentence
David Carmona, founder of the Icomtech cryptocurrency Ponzi scheme, has been sentenced to over 10 years in prison…
Paypal Completes First Corporate Transaction Using PYUSD Stablecoin
Paypal has made a significant step in corporate payments by completing its first transaction using its stablecoin…
Peter Schiff: Phony Economy Must Die or US Risks Financial Ruin
Economist Peter Schiff has warned that restoring a real economy requires letting the “phony economy” collapse,…
Robert Kiyosaki Warns of World War III Amid Global Tensions — Asks ‘Are You…
Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, has expressed concerns about World War III, warning that current…