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Wildfires Threaten the Most Homes in These 3 States

A firefighter watches as the 2020 Bobcat Fire burns in Juniper Hills, California
Ringo Chiu / Shutterstock.com

Wildfires are a devastating threat to homeowners everywhere, especially in the Western U.S. These blazes wreak havoc in the lives of thousands of people every year.

Surprisingly, federal government data shows that the number of wildfires has decreased slightly over the past three decades. However, in recent years, the amount of area that typically burns in each fire is on the rise.

A large number of properties now sit in areas at high risk of wildfires, and that fact is it making it more difficult for residents to get homeowners insurance in these places, according to the 2023 Wildfire Risk Report from analytics firm CoreLogic.

In particular, the following three states have the most homes with a moderate to very high risk of wildfire damage, CoreLogic says.

3. Texas

Wildfire at Bastrop State Park in Texas
Avula Kodanda Raghuveer / Shutterstock.com

Single- and multi-family residences in this state with moderate to very high wildfire risk: 233,434

Total associated reconstruction cost value for those residences: $85.5 billion

As with the other states on this list, the fear is that as climate-change driven drought dries out the landscape, future fires in Texas could become more destructive.

The cities in Texas with the most at-risk homes are:

  • Austin: 91,961
  • San Antonio: 71,795
  • Killeen: 12,702
  • Dallas: 5,567
  • Waco: 2,636

2. Colorado

Colorado wildfire
Mathias Sunke / Shutterstock.com

Single- and multi-family residences in this state with moderate to very high wildfire risk: 332,716

Total associated reconstruction cost value for those residences: $140.9 billion

Colorado’s natural beauty hides the fact that devastating wildfires are always a possibility for a significant number of homes here.

The cities in Colorado with the most at-risk homes are:

  • Denver: 69,284
  • Colorado Springs: 51,321
  • Fort Collins: 14,352
  • Boulder: 9,754
  • Pueblo: 3,242

1. California

Wildfire approaching a house
David A Litman / Shutterstock.com

Single- and multi-family residences in this state with moderate to very high wildfire risk: 1,279,214

Total associated reconstruction cost value for those residences: $760.8 billion

California leads the nation — by far — in terms of the number of homes at significant risk of wildfire damage.

To make matters worse, reconstruction costs in the Golden State jumped by 33.5% between 2018 and 2023, CoreLogic says. That means a home with a reconstruction cost value of $500,000 in 2018 would now cost $667,500 to reconstruct.

The cities in California with the most at-risk homes are:

  • Los Angeles: 242,187
  • Riverside: 212,902
  • San Diego: 153,981
  • Sacramento: 101,441
  • San Francisco: 92,824

Protecting your home from wildfire

Woman covering her face from wildfire smoke
EugeneEdge / Shutterstock.com

Wildfires can have a devastating impact on the lives of individuals. Since there is no way to stop these events, it is best to prepare for their possibility so you can mitigate the potential damage they can cause.

Start by proactively implementing the “6 Moves To Protect Your Home and Property From Wildfires.” Most of these tips are inexpensive and a lot easier to complete than you might imagine.

Also, take advantage of the “6 Free Tools That Help You Prepare for Natural Disasters.” Even if your home is not in danger of wildfire damage, it is likely you will find good resources in this story that can protect you from other types of threats that put your home at risk.

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