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8 Free Online Yoga Classes to Do at Home

A woman does yoga and meditates on a mat at home.
Sia Footage / Shutterstock.com

Editor’s Note: This story originally appeared on Living on the Cheap.

When you can’t make it to an in-person yoga class, these virtual locations offer hundreds of options for streaming yoga, whether you’re an experienced practitioner or just getting started.

While some are perennially free, others offer free streaming for a week or two.

1. Lululemon

working out
tmcphotos / Shutterstock.com

You don’t need to buy their gear or even enter your email to take advantage of the all-levels Power Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga and Yoga for Runners classes. All classes are free.

2. Kripalu

Pocket Yoga
fizkes / Shutterstock.com

This luxurious retreat center set in the rolling Berkshires also offers a wealth of online yoga options, most of them under a half hour, including a set of poses designed to reverse osteoporosis and a partner yoga sequence.

No registration is necessary.

3. Down Under Yoga

yoga mat
fizkes / Shutterstock.com

A respected Boston-area studio, Down Under Yoga offers a seven-day free trial of its on-demand classes.

4. YogaWorks

Relaxed woman doing meditation and yoga in a well lit room full of sunlight and plants to remove stress
atiger / Shutterstock.com

Register for 14 days free; choose from more than 1,300 classes.

5. OMstars.com

A couple practices yoga outside
wavebreakmedia / Shutterstock.com

Register for a two-week free trial. Classes range in level, from “Yoga for Every Body Basics” to “Elemental Sol Flow.”


Calm older woman meditating
kudla / Shutterstock.com

This “yoga TV” channel offers free classes for a week.

7. Gaia

Woman doing side plank yoga pose.
A StockStudio / Shutterstock.com

A giant in the world of wellness, there’s a plethora of yoga here, free for a week.

8. Glo.com

senior man meditating or doing yoga at a lake in the mountains in retirement
Ground Picture / Shutterstock.com

Sixteen styles of yoga are offered free for seven days with a trial. The app includes a choice of more than 4,000 classes.

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